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Setting up a high quality live stream has become the desire of many churches in recent years. While there are some large churches with big budgets who are putting out incredible content, so many smaller churches may not feel like they have the resources or the capital to live stream their services with any level of quality. This is simply not true. At Precision Media Services, we will work with you and your ministry team to install a live stream system you can be proud of or even enhance the system you currently have, and we can accomplish all of it on a reasonable budget.
There is no doubt that equipment costs money and that the nicer the gear the more expensive it tends to be. But one thing we constantly tell our clients is that it isn't always about spending more money to buy better equipment. Often the best solution is to get the most out of what you already have or what you're able to afford.
Our team is committed to helping you achieve the perfect look and sound for your live stream so that those who choose to engage with your church remotely can have the best experience possible as they do.